#i cannot get enough of your benny



Benny Miller Headcanons - Part 3 (NSFW, 18+ Only)

*Nacho Libre voice*: “So anyways. Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty.”

Some ideas I’ve had in mind, plus a few from DMs to some of the Benny crew. A special thanks goes out to @the-chocolate-bunny for being a wonderful cheerleader and enabler the past couple months in encouraging all manner of Benny thoughts I don’t typically post my headcanons because I’d rather incorporate those thoughts into full stories so you can see complex characters more naturally but I’ve also been trying to learn to stop waiting for perfection. Done is better than none.

Obviously these are NSFW headcanons, but some of it is relationship-based too. Everyone’s got something they don’t like and listing all the warnings would just be repeating the whole list. This is not comprehensive in my thoughts about Benny + sex, just a general idea— Feel free to send questions for specifics as these are more like guidelines. Fem!reader implied.

Part 1/Part 2

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Even though taking you from behind is a strong contender for number one position, it’s neck-and-neck with him picking you up and having his forearms beneath your thighs and hands on your ass when he pins your back to the wall
