#i cant breathe

One of my students wore an #ican'tbreathe shirt to my class today. I asked him if he knew what it me

One of my students wore an #ican'tbreathe shirt to my class today. I asked him if he knew what it meant and he said “ yes black man gets {my students acts out someone suffocating him} by white police man” I asked him where he bought it and he said “on Internet” when I asked him why he said “I saw Lebron wear it and I want to stop white men hurting black men and support black men”

Even though all of the protests have stopped (at the moment) and there is still unfair racism, know that the idea of #blacklivesmatter has reached all the way to China. And many of these Chinese people have seen the police brutality on their TVs. Even though I am pretty sure the Chinese government shows these stories so that the Chinese people can understand that the USA isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, many people of China believe that Black lives do matter and are having trouble understanding why there is such racism in the U.S. in the first place.

I want to mention how much this moment really touched me. It’s so easy to see people hate. Especially, hate those who are different them. In the U.S. It is so easy to see white people hate black people or Christians hate Muslims etc. etc. but I believe what can stop that hate is for people to get to know people different than themselves and then a person can realize that you really aren’t that different at all. But this boy bought this shirt and decided to support black people in America before he ever saw one or met one…. I think the world has much to learn from him.

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hey fellas last night i took a medication which is more or less the anxiety equivalent of a horse tranquilizer & essentially enterred the fifth dimension of sleepwalking in which i awoke but enterred a dissociative fit so strong i was really confused why my loving girlfriend was not my good friend and fellow viking bjorn, who i had to bring some furs to. also i might’ve cried about this. don’t remember

was informed i left out the best part of this 3am experience which was the bit where i, in tears, gestured to our dog and shouted, “i don’t know what this is!”

bruh you astral planed so hard you fell back into a past life


i realized that in my time dumping my old art i kinda forgot to upload all the videos i made except for the rhythm heaven golf one so here’s one about karamatsu thighs

this one’s from like december 2020 i think

Your life was snuffed by oppressors whose intent was to murder you for no reason. Does this make any sense?

R.I.P King Floyd

Troubled times call for action.

Amandla Awethu (the power is ours)

Any form of art is a form of power; it has impact, it can affect change - it can not only move us, it makes us move -Ossie Davis


Haha Jonathan you are sexually repressed

spookyfishcakes: themrflipflop:Honestly every time I come on tumblr I’m reminded how much I LOVE @spspookyfishcakes: themrflipflop:Honestly every time I come on tumblr I’m reminded how much I LOVE @sp



Honestly every time I come on tumblr I’m reminded how much I LOVE @spookyfishcakes beautiful, wonderful, precious OC Peanut the Clown. He’s so GOOD.

 AAAAAAAAAThank you!!❤️((Y’all that bg tho!)) I saw this on my main first & I screamed in delight! Your art is so soft/cute 

 Thank you so much again!!

ATTENTION: I am DEAD. There he be! Waving at me! I’ve never looked better! What a delight! What a treat!


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