#i cant wait for more min and rand interactions


i know i have been ranting a lot, but there are still a lot of things about the show that i like and enjoy. i will be watching season two and i know i’ll enjoy all of these talented actors back on my screen, cause imo the casting has been perfect so far. i can already see that i won’t agree with a lot of story decisions and writing changes, but that doesn’t mean that i want this show to be canceled. i actually still want and hope that we will get all the planned eight seasons because i think only then we can truly judge the full picture and if certain changes were truly worth it for the stories and the characters.

though i do have to admit that my trust in the writers is damaged and having read rafe’s cbr interview has filled me with more dread than relief (more love triangle bs, really rafe??). but now i know that from the beginning and i’ll go into season two with a different mindset. i’ll still criticize the stuff that is worthy of getting criticized, but i’ll also appreciate all the scenes that i actually enjoy. i mean that’s in general why i’m even so torn with this show. there are good things, new scenes or differently interpreted scenes that i enjoy even more than their book counterparts, but also things and scenes i wish wouldn’t exist in that way.
