#i cant wait to read more of this



Day 1: Death/Rebirth

At What Cost?

Summary: Qrow is tired.  Tired of fighting, tired of grieving, but most of all, he’s tired of watching his partner lose his life.  Over and over and over again.  Oz tries to come up with a solution, no matter how flawed it may be.  He can’t lose Qrow, not now.  Not when he needs him the most.

Warnings: Death, Blood and Injuries, Violence (not too graphic), War

Author’s Note: Here we go!  Today is the day, baby!!!  I’m so excited for @ozqrowweek (as I’m sure you all have gathered haha).  As soon as I saw this prompt, I knew exactly which AU required revisiting for it.  So this one turned into a Chapter 2 for (what was supposed to be) a one-shot!  I actually worked in a ficlet I wrote as well, giving it more depth and context.  If you choose to read, I hope you enjoy the angst to get the week started XD
