#i cant wait to see what new stuff youll do



Ok, so I have decided to make some changes.  Really BIG changes.  With immediate effect, there will be no more Lockedinjohnlock, lockedinjohnlock-podfics or LockedinPods.  I will be using the more generic name of Podfixx.  This change is happening throughout all my social sites - Soundcloud, AO3, Tumblr, Twitter, Ko-fi, and any others I can think of.  

This is, in no way, to deny my attachment to the Sherlock fandom, but rather to open up opportunities for myself and not be tied quite so tightly into it.  I have worked really hard to build my ‘brand’ and am really quite fearful/tearful to let it go but hope that I have a strong enough following now, that you will understand and help me spread the word.

 All my work will still be in the same place, none of it will be deleted, it will just be under a different banner! You won’t need to change anything at all, you’ll just see a different name and eventually a different logo and I’m hoping this announcement might go some way towards helping you to not wonder who the heck you’re following!

I have Sherlock podfics done, finished and in progress, booked until early September - they will all be ‘read by Lockedinjohnlock’.  All new stories will be ‘read by Podfixx’.

Just to add some excitement into the mix, the next and subsequent Spark!Spoke! newsletter will be read by Sophie Cumberland, my professional narration name. 

If you have any questions I can help you with, I can be reached at [email protected].

I would be really grateful if you could reblog/retweet this message so that I can reach as many people as I can as quickly as I can.

Thank you so much!

