#i can’t even

you-deserve-the-best-in-life:The Moon dressed in Saturn Credit Francisco Sojuelyou-deserve-the-best-in-life:The Moon dressed in Saturn Credit Francisco Sojuel



Credit Francisco Sojuel

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don’t you love it, when you grab a cute boys face and they tense and their eyes widen a second, because they didn’t expect it; and how their brain starts to melt and they turn in one big puddle of goo in your grip as you proceed to absolutely devour them? yeah, me too


pairing: izuku midoriya x gender-neutral!reader

warning:18+ only,mdni,not smut, heavy angst, prostitution, mention of drugs, mention of murder, mention of violence, cigarette use, cheating, mention of breaking in, depictions of corrupt society, bnha war-arc ending spoilers, suggestive, aged up characters


summary: you heard the rumors that heroes loved to pick up “playthings” like you, but you did not expect to the Number One Hero pulling up for you.

a/n: here it is! i had a lot of different media that influenced this! hope you all enjoy!

The streetlamps hung low, dim lights illuminating the trash-filled streets. Mice scurried around on the concrete floor with the pungent smell of sulfur wafting in the area. Clouds covered the star-filled sky, leaving only the moon to dwell and look down upon the earth.

Many people didn’t like talking about the slums of Mustafa. The crime was incredibly high, yet no heroes dared to enter and combat it. It was common to see people strung high, empty needles littering the grounds. It was also common to see bodies of victims, some of them burnt to a crisp thanks to the League of Villains and yakuza organizations.

The League and Yakuza were extremely influential here—thriving on the vulnerability of the community around you. Many people had dealings with them as it was one of the only places that offered fast and good money. Both the League and the yakuza high ranks were cowards, seeing the citizens of the areas as mere pawns for whatever they were planning. Sadly, many of those people would be pushed out to fight bigger heroes only to disappear in cells.

Your back was pressed against the night lamp, exhaling the toxic fumes of the cigarette in your hand. The ambers from the buds glowed before softening as you pushed the cigarette away from your lips, blowing the smoke out. The nicotine renewed your body with little energy, something you needed if you were going to work tonight.

Keep reading


marc throwing his kippah on the ground, picking it up, apologizing to it, and sobbing is actually something that can be so personal to me, a jew

Not Jewish, but also sobbing.

injuries-in-dust:mcytoutofcontext: caleb-of-johto:thecarebearglare:siege1: geek-ramblings:wemblingfo

























Only Gordon can roast just by eating a hamburger

Oh no it’s that one.

The ‘that Vegan teacher’ that tells you it’s selfish to come out as LGBTQ+ over coming out as ‘vegan’, parodyed George floyd’s last words in her song about being vegan and compared animal meat to the holocaust - and that BLM should be protesting for veganism and animal rights over their own rights.

Also she be stalking A 16 year old on tiktok so.

This woman is a total yikes.

Let’s also not forget that she had also joked and laughed about a kid dying bc they had tried to follow a certain vegan diet SHE had brought up, and after she was called out about it she just kept making fun of them.

Don’t forget that she said that having an eating disorder was not an excuse to not go vegan, when people with eating disorders shouldn’t take any excuse to cut food out of their diets.

I’m going to become a cryptid and drag her into the wood so that she can become a mysterious-missing-person-found-in-the-woods-with-no-bones-or-face

I believe she also tried to hit a furry with her car.


It was a while ago and I don’t know if it’s true but a couple people said she did

Also TikTok is going to war with her on February 12th

I never wanted to know the answer to the question “What if PETA was a person”, yet, here we are…

Every part of this put my sanity from “low” to “Subterranean”

She went to prison for impersonating a teacher

Her original teacher account got shadowbanned so she made another account pretending to be a completely different person: thatvegannurse, she looks and talks exactly the same but she puts her hair in pigtails and talks about how much she hates thatveganteacher, she also owns like 16 other faceless accounts pretending to be real people that she uses to comment and like her posts to boost interactions

Every single addition to this post was like a punch in the fucking throat

She posted a video trying to “reclaim” slurs saying they are only bad you you let them be bad

Try and guess what letters are censored.

Me with each new bit of information in this post

People on tiktok have also tracked down where she lives and have tried to steal her dog because she’s forcing it to eat vegan.

I need a 45 minute nap to process this post.

don’t forget that she once said to a (at the time) 16 year old, that to get women he had to show them “his vegetables”.

that was just blatantly disgusting..

Every sentence gave me whiplash.

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You heard that too, right?!
