#i do love bandcamp some bands i love have songs only there



if you don’t use bandcamp, i’d really encourage you to spend some time there. there’s millions of artists on there putting out great material, a lot of which never even makes 1 sale, or breaks 10 plays

if you’re new to the site, the front page is a good place to start. you can pick a genre and scroll thru it. by default it puts popular stuff up front, but i’d suggest looking at new releases

most albums have a “music you’ll also love” section at the bottom of the page, so you can start from one thing and go down a rabbit hole. you can find whole scenes this way

or look at the genre tags that don’t show up on the front page! find a sub-subgenre and explore something you’ve definitely never heard before. what’s furrycore? dreamcore? post-hyperpop? progressive extreme metal? melodic juke?

bandcamp also tags music by location. what are ppl in your city making?

going out of your way to find new music can make an artist’s day, or turn you on to something you wouldn’t normally go for. think about it
