#i do think they dropped the ball in regards to some things




fuck all of u bitches with bad taste welcome to night vale did not have THE MAIN CHARACTER, THE NARRATOR, say hes in gay love at first sight with another man in goddamn 2012 when the best you could get was, like, glee, for you to say its only legacy is that some ppl r being cringe abt horror. fuck you.

people’s standards have dropped so fucking low n some of u have never had that experience of listening to the pilot for the first time and hear cecil wax poetic about how handsome and mysterious carlos is and have it be completely normal and expected! do you know how unprecedented that was? do you know how healing it was to hear gay love being talked about with such candor and without shame, without restraint?

wtnv was incrediblyy ahead of the curve in a lot of ways and it continues to be almost a decade later and i REFUSE to let yall slander it like this. it isnt even a horror podcast it’s a comedy with horror elements but it was never meant to be scary. the way that wtnv also does satire so well n the scathing critiques of contemporary society (esp the surveillance state)….. just say u never understood what it was (is & continues to be) abt and go lol no need to embarrass urself

and you see. the thing is. i remember being here. i remember when ppl were scared wtnv wld just be another bury your gays story. and i remember when the 1 year anniversary episode came out and EVERYONE being shocked that not only did nobody die but cecil and carlos rly got together! and i rmbr when wtnv topped the charts week after week after week following that and it was THE fiction podcast and it was THE podcast in general for so long until its popularity gradually lessened and people started to look at other things and listened to other podcasts.

but you cannot look at wtnv which was literally genre-defining in its ingenious storytelling and everything else and say its legacy is that ppl think trees with eyes are the epitome of horror.

i wont allow it.

they’re literally celebrating their 10 yr anniversary this year n they never dropped the ball, not even once. your faves could never. i need u to apologize to jeffrey cranor and joseph fink rn for this slander.
