#i dont even know what to say anymore


So can y'all stop with the “nothing bad will happen in my lifetime so I don’t care” excuse now? Are you happy now?

Hell, I would love to say “please go vegan and help to fix this”, but what’s the point anymore? Humanity has clearly made its choice, and if you think that we’re going to somehow get our shit together in the next decade for the common good then you are out of your god damn mind.There is no hope left and now it’s been officially confirmed.

But it’s just soooo good to know that the reason that our entire planet is going to change as we know it within the extremely near future is because people would rather go down kicking and screaming eating their bacon cheeseburgers than be mildly inconvenienced in their daily lives ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


i could write a fucking poem about this picture
