#i dont know what else to say other than that


Possibility for 4x13.

Basically, Philinda has destroyed me.

“They say the mother was the one that made everyone crazy with her powers. Agent May took them all on.”

Melinda looked down at her hands–still shaking from the fight. She felt a deep sense of relief that she couldn’t explain, knowing that the precious little girl behind her was safe. But there was a weight in her gut, telling her that something was off. Something about this felt…surreal.

“The Cavalry went in after all.”

Melinda drew her eyebrows together at the word “Cavalry.” Her fist tightened unconsciously. What was going on? She felt like she was still fighting, though the battle in the warehouse was behind her now. Something was wrong. Something was missing. Like a puzzle piece that someone was trying to force into a space it didn’t belong.

Melinda picked up her phone and dialed a familiar number, hoping that talking to Andrew would settle her down.

“I did it, Andrew.”Melinda’s voice wobbled as she spoke, the raw emotion bringing a teary smile to her face. She looked back for confirmation. Yes, she was still there. She wasn’t dreaming. She saved her. She saved the girl.

“Thank you,” the girl whispered.

Melinda turned back and repeated the thought out loud. “I saved the girl.”

Saying it out loud brought fresh tears to her eyes. At first, she thought they were tears of joy–she had been so worried about the girl’s safety. But the tears kept coming. And they felt more like tears of loss and heartache than of relief.

Melinda took in a shaky breath and looked around. Her thoughts felt muddled. Something was wrong. Something was missing. Someonewas missing.


Maybe that was why she felt so unsettled. Phil never would have left without saying anything. Especiallynot before he had a chance to grill her about what happened during the fight. Where was he?

Melinda didn’t remember saying goodbye to Andrew, but she put the phone down, feeling the restlessness grow inside her. She stood up and looked right and left, blinking when the landscape began swimming in front of her.

“May,” Phil’s voice said. Melinda whipped her head around and took another step forward, her head felt like it was spinning. “Melinda, wake up.” He sounded desperate. Didn’t he know she’d done it? Completed the mission? Saved the girl? Why did he sound like he was in pain? She would have to tell him. She’d explain to him that she saved the girl. She didn’t have to let the girl g–

Agony pierced her heart at the thought, even as his voice continued to speak. No, she cried internally. I saved her. She insisted to herself, feeling tears slip down her cheeks.Isavedher!

“Phil!” Melinda stumbled forward, straining her eyes to see him. She needed him right now. Needed his comforting embrace, his warm eyes, his low voice. She had to reach him, but her body felt like lead–her mouth as dry as cotton. She couldn’t move. “Phil, I’m right here!”

“Melinda, please.” Phil’s voice begged her. Melinda fought to take one last step, her head and heart throbbing in pain. “Wake up!”

Her eyes flew open.

Phil’s heart jumped from his gut to his throat when he saw her.

Restraints, wires on her face, an IV in her wrist, and an oddly-shaped helmet on her head, but so blessedlyMelinda.

Phil ran up to her, barely glancing at the machine right by her. “May,” he breathed, quickly removing the wires and restraints off her face and arms, then gently taking out the IV. “Melinda, wake up.” He checked her body for any wounds and, not seeing any, carefully removed the helmet from her head. Her face screwed up, as if in pain, and her eyes were darting back and forth quickly behind her eyelids.

“Hey, come on. I’m right here.” Phil touched her face gently, noticing how his real hand had began to shake. Or had it been shaking the whole time? They found her. It hadn’t completely sunk in yet that she was really here, in front of him, in the flesh. “Melinda?”

Phil caught his breath when tears began leaking out from Melinda’s closed eyelids. “Oh, no, no, no.” Phil whispered, wiping the moisture away with his thumbs. He’d seen her do this before–cry in her sleep unknowingly–when having a nightmare after…after Bahrain. Oh no. She had to wake up. Now. “Melinda, please. Wake up!”

She jerked awake, startling him. Phil let out a breath of relief and his lips began to curl into a smile. His nightmares were wrong, she was alive.

“Phil?” Melinda’s voice was rough, and her chest heaved like she was out of breath. “Phil, I did it. I saved the girl. I saved–”  She faltered and let out a choked sob, as if the real memory of Bahrain took physical form and gut-punched her. “I–I thought I–It was a dream, wasn’t it? I didn’t really–I couldn’t–”

“Shh, no, you’re safe. You’re not there anymore. I’ve got you, I’m here.” Phil kept his voice low as the urge to tear Radcliffe apart limb from limb grew stronger.

Melinda gulped and looked at him, trying to blink away the tears. Next thing Phil knew, she had collapsed in his arms, the weight of it all dragging her down.

Phil caught her and eased her into his embrace. He heard running footsteps as Mack entered the room.

“Quinjet’s here and Daisy is holding the Watchdogs off. Got her?”

Phil nodded sharply. “Go help Daisy, I’ll call for back up and get May to the plane.”

Mack ran off without a second glance, knowing May was in good hands.

Phil cradled his partner in his arms and waited for his agents to pick them up. Looking down at her face, Phil felt tenderness for this woman wash over him. He adjusted her head so it was on his shoulder–her left hand gripped the front of his shirt. He smoothed her hair out of her face.

“You’re safe, Melinda. I’ve got you.” He whispered in her ear, sure she was asleep. On a sudden impulse, he pressed a gentle kiss to her temple, wishing he could make the pain disappear from her face.

To his surprise, Melinda stirred briefly and his grip on his shirt became tighter, but he didn’t have time to think about it before his team showed up, helping him and May to the Quinjet.

The way he was holding her made her want to cry even more than she already had.

His soft words about being safe quieted and comforted her.

His kiss left her wanting more.

It was the last thing she remembered before drifting off to sleep.

When Melinda woke up next, it was to a familiar voice humming a familiar tune–although it didn’t sound as happy and carefree as it did when they were younger, driving around in Lola with the breeze carrying their off-key singing away. She squeezed the hand holding hers.

The humming was cut off abruptly.


“‘Livin’ on a Prayer’? Really?” Melinda muttered, her voice still scratchy.

She could see feel his blush, even with her eyes closed. “I asked how far out we were and the pilot said we were halfway there. It’s a natural reaction.”

Melinda cracked an eye open to look at him, a ghost of smile touching her lips. The white walls she saw behind him told her they were in a containment unit, most likely alone. If she hadn’t been so weak, she would have given a smart comment in return, but for now she was just content to look at him.

“I just had Simmons step out to get something to eat, she’ll be back in a few minutes to ask you questions.” Phil said, his robotic hand coming up to touch her shoulder gently. He watched as his hand lit up, then closed his eyes as if in pain. When he opened them again, he looked straight into her eyes and whispered, voice full of emotion. “I’m so sorry.”

Melinda squeezed his hand again. “Don’t. You found me. We’re here now. That’s all that matters.”

There was a beat of hesitation, then Phil lifted her hand to his mouth and, without breaking eye contact, kissed her fingers gently. His blue eyes were lit with an intensity that told her they had a lot more to talk about, but it could wait.

They were together.
