#i enjoy

leidensygdom: Here comes Secret Satan 2020! A drow/dark elf themed art exchange! We’re on the fourth


Here comes Secret Satan 2020! A drow/dark elf themed art exchange! We’re on the fourth edition already. It’s worked really well other years (last time we had 27 participants, and everyone delivered their pic!), so I’m most proud to bring it again. So, here’s the rules, as other years:

✨What is a Secret Satan?

Rebranded secret santa, really. It has other names in other languages (Amigo invisible in Spanish, for example). It consists on a group of people who exchange gifts secretly: Everyone is given a name at random on a chosen day, and they’ll have to give them a gift on a specific date. In this case, the exchange is all about art featuring drow characters!

✨How will I randomize it?

I’ll be using one webpage that will randomize the list of participants and send everyone their chosen Secret Santa to the mail, without anybody knowing (including me). I’ve used the same webpage other years, and (while it is in Spanish) it works really well, as it allows me to re-send mails if something went wrong!

✨What is the process?

The inscriptions will be open until 30 of November. I note everyone who joins in a spreadsheet which you’ll be able to check. That spreadsheet also includes the character references and social media links from each participant. After that the mails get sent (on 30 Nov), and I will ask everyone if they got it. After that, we’ll have time until 28 of December to draw the gift. Tag it as #drowsecretsatan2020so I can see it, or PM it to me! Or just @’ me, if needed.

✨How will we know what to draw?

Each participant will need to give me a reference pic of their characters and the name of such character through PM/DM. You can also send it to me in Discord (I’m Sygdom #9379).  I will post the link on the spreadsheet, so their Secret Satan can easily access it. I’d recommend giving 2 or 3 options so there’s more of a choice for your Secret Satan to draw. The only exception to this would be if someone only has one drow OC.

✨What are the requirements?

To have a drow OC and draw! You’ll need to be able to provide a picture that can serve as a reference for your character. Text descriptions aren’t valid. And the sent drawings should be finished pictures, not sketches! (Fully colored). I’d recommend to keep it at one character per picture, but if someone feels like drawing two (if they have two submitted characters) that would also be ok!

The pictures should be posted on 28 of December, not before. If someone has an issue posting it said day, I’d recommend telling me beforehand and submitting it before. If someone doesn’t do their picture, they will be banned from future Secret Satans. (If someone is left without a picture, I will be their Surrogate Satan, and will make the picture for them instead). Finally, keep all references and gifts SFW!

✨What counts as a drow?

To make it as non-exclusive as possible, we’ll have a rather wide definition of what is a drow. Both drow and half drow count in, and they don’t need to be restricted to D&D, as there’s plenty of settings with dark elf equivalents (which includes dunmer, duskwights, etc). This also includes dark elves from original settings, ofc!

✨How do I join?

To join, just send me a Private Message on tumblr, twitter, Instagram or Discord. Reblogs are greatly appreciated! You will need to give me your mail (even if it’s a temporary one if you don’t feel comfortable giving your main mail, I will tell you when to check it), and 1, 2 or 3 character references (as a link) + their name to put in the spreadsheet. That’s it!

✨Across social media

While this event started on tumblr, nowadays I use Twitter and Instagram too. I’ll do my best to ensure everyone has a way of communicating to deliver the gift. The spreadsheet will include people’s social media links.

Anyways, I’m really excited to organize this event once more, I hope you enjoy it!

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