#i expect nothing and im still let down





Me: rolling around in my wheelchair inside a store taking a bunch of photos

Customer: “Can I ask what you’re taking pictures of?”

Me: “I’m documenting my ADA violations case.”

Customer: “What violations?”

Me: Points out five violations I can see from where we are. Explains how to see patterns of ADA violations.

Customer: (in a hostile tone) “Well it can’t be *that* bad. I mean, *you* got in here.”

Me: yelling at someone for illegally parking their motorcycle in the access aisle for disabled parking

Complete stranger: comes up to me, gets right in my face and starts yelling at me for being mean to the motorcyclist

If you see a member of a minority class fighting a violation of their civil rights and you decide to throw yourself, uninvited, into the disagreement on the side of the person violating their civil rights, you are officially one of life’s villains and I hope you fall off a cliff.

It takes zero effort not to be an asshole and yet so many people still fail to do so.
