#i feel like im saying goodbye to a child or smth




Rating : Teen and Up Audiences (May change)

Relationships : Bokuto Koutarou/Kuroo Tetsurou, Minor/Background Relationship(s) - Akaashi Keiji/Kozume Kenma, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Sugawara Koushi/Daichi Sawamura

Summary : Kuroo was a good person. He was a good person, and he didn’t deserve this.

He could almost hear Kenma’s disbelieving scoff, and he resisted the urge to mentally tell his best friend to shut his damn mouth (as if it would actually do anything). He didn’t need imaginary Kenma’s judgement at the moment. He’d deal with enough of that from real Kenma later.

I need to borrow your pants”

AKA Kuroo needs pants for a lab, Bokuto has the best (or worst) timing, and Kuroo can’t catch a fucking break.

Read Here!

the last chapter of #KurooStealsPants2k20 is finally up! a huge thanks to everyone who read and supported the story <3
