#i forgot the rest of his name


You nervously walk down the aisle.  The feeling of your guests’ eyes upon you as they titter excitedly fills you not with joy, but a curious dread that grows with their every blink.  You keep your head down, focusing only on your feet clack clack clacking along the cold marble floor.

An uncomfortable silence falls as you reach the altar.  All eyes remain fixed on you as you take a deep breath to calm your nerves.  You take one more.  And another.  You must be doing it wrong because you’re hyperventilating by the time the doors begin to creak open once again.

A hand places itself on your shoulder and you shriek, but there is no sound.  Footsteps ring out behind you and your gaze slowly trails from the hand to the face of the man before you.  Clack, clack, clack.  Rat-like features greet your eyes with a reassuring smile.  Clack, clack.  The rat man nods and you find yourself turning to your left.  Clack.

You recognise the figure in front of you.  Unclear words spill out of a nearby mouth as your head swims.

“…here… two…”

Your eyes flicker to the guests in a silent plea for help.  There is no one there.

“..yd…ing… take… be…”

A monkey’s face contorts into a malevolent smile, inches from your own.

“Dwarven vow 666: I do.”

You scream audibly this time as burning hot metal slides onto your finger.  The agony soon becomes a wonderful calm just in time for the words you find you have always longed to hear:

“…to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

Your lips move on their own.
