#i guess that marco knew where to find izou



Holy shit that is depressing.

But honestly think about this from his perspective, he’s lost so much, first with Marineford and then the payback war, it makes sense that he’s kind of numb to it at this point. That doesn’t make this any less sad though, his friend and brother(that he has known since he was a child mind you) is dead and gone like his father and countless brothers and like them there is nothing Marco can do about it. I love how whenever we get Marco you can kind of tell he hasn’t exactly moved on from what happened at Marineford, I mean he has, but it’s not like he reverted back to who he was before, he’s different and the loss changed him. Idk this scene really stuck with me, I feel like Marco’s really underrated and deserves more love.  

It’s hitting him hard.

and despite Izou knowing who he’d leave behind

it’s a choice he made for them

and to save them.

I wish he’d adhered to the Usopp school of survival

I guess it was imperative that O-Kiku survive.

But couldn’t they both have survived? And  couldn’t we have had a little more brotherly interaction

for both Marco’s

and Kiku’s sake?
