#i had almost forgot how romantic and horny this muse is




Even though it was Rude’s day off, one could still always argue there is more important places for him to be, but when it comes to his own personal preference… he certainly wouldn’t mind staying if his host wishes to explore any of last night’s activities.

He catch himself quietly admiring Xu as she moves fingers through her dark hair. The morning light painting her with warm tones.

Never leaving wouldn’t be too terrible, Rude first thought, before he firmly corrected that absurd idea. One cannot sustain on only coffee and the promises of great sex, at least not Rude. Therefore he hums agreely.

“Certainly.” He sits up straighter in the sofa and slowly finishes the cooling coffee while he waits.

Pajamas are swapped for a casual light cotton dress she’s always found particularly flattering (unless every mirror on the planet was lying to her), and she spends a few extra minutes brushing out last night’s tangles from her dark hair. An extra minute gets her fresh eyeliner, mascara, a swipe of lip balm. 

It’s more effort than she normally puts in for the weekend; usually she puts on a pair of giant sunglasses and whatever she’s planning on wearing to the beach and hits up the coffee shop at the corner. 

She doesn’t mind giving up a weekend of surfing for this.Xu grabs her bag off the hanging rack in the hallway, and comes back into the living room. 

“Ready whenever you are. It’s right down the street– we can walk.” 

Rude had been ready for some time now, so when Xu comes back she can find her taciturn guest standing up from the couch before finishing her sentence. Not impatiently, just ready. He leaves the empty mug on the coffee table, aware of not placing it directly on its surface, to avoid any potential stains or moisture-marks.

Walking towards Xu, there’s a small pause as Rude lays his eyes on her. Pausing in the middle of adjusting his shirt sleeves. Giving an approving low hum, with a slightly softened expression.

“Never seen you wearing that dress.” Admitting that it looks flattering on Xu. If it weren’t for his bodily needs for nourishment, Rude would definitely not have minded taking her out on a walk in the sun, warming her up before returning back to her apartment where he could admire her beauty…

He moves up to her and bends down to give her a quick kiss –before he has time to overthink about it which would lead to him missing the moment.

Ready to for breakfast.
