#i hate hate hate what he did to the show


I forking hate this forking character. His sole personality trait is “asshole Boomer.” Every choice he makes traces back to this singular personality trait with no further motivation. I’d call him “one-note,” but the comparison to music implies that a modicum of artistic finesse went into the crafting of his character. He was only added so Michael Schur could make Important Political Points (read: “political commentary” based on straw man arguments) and his presence transforms the whole of the cast into forking morons who don’t realize they had a MILLION solutions on their hands to the idiotic problems he creates for them. Why did they just not tell him “Yo, Brent, Janet is super forking important to this neighborhood, and if you make too many requests you’ll be locked out of your account because the other residents need her too”? Why did they not assign him Derek? Why did they not tell him “So yeah, there’s a Best Place, but there’s also a Bad Place, and if you don’t shape up that’s where you’re going”? And don’t even get me forking started on how he’s treated as worse than Judge Gen, even though she was completely ready to commit forking genocide because she couldn’t be arsed to think up a reform to the points system. 

I’m skipping his scenes in my rewatch and I fully predict this will prove he was an entirely unnecessary addition to the cast that nearly ruined a nearly-perfect show. 
