#i have that problem too sometimes




Just Why (TW: Death Threats)…

I wonder why so many people ignore that heterophobia exists. People have gotten death threats just over having straight ships. I know that it’s usually hard to find unless you stumble across it yourself, but just watch one Hero Hei video on the topic and you’ll see people telling others to kill themselves just for having a straight ship, especially if they think they’re gay or lesbian.

Dude, in Genshin, there are no canon sexualities and no ship is canon. You’re mostly supposed to ship them with yourself (and/or the Traveler if you really wanted to). The CCP would never allow it. They lost their minds over revealing outfits, what do you think they’ll do about a canon LGBTQ character? They’ll find a way to shut the game down in China probably. Then most of Genshin’s player base and target audience (who probably don’t care about the characters’ sexualities) won’t even be able to play it. Or they’ll at least give miHoYo a hard time until they remove the character.

As for the people who wrote the “disgusting stories of Itto doing horrible things to a ‘lesbian Sara,’” what is wrong with y'all?

It sound like the child IS trans and the mother was supporting the child. Children at that age do have a concept of self and can understand how they want to socially present to the world, and, yes, if the father goes to abusive measures to prevent that then custody should go to the safer parent. That is how child protection laws work shockingly enough.

The law doesn’t protect ANY of us from being fired from the workplace due to our own personal opinions. Companies are currently within their rights to fire individuals who do not represent the company’s values. That isn’t the “woke” crowds fault and it isn’t the fault of consumers to call to action and see if a company’s values align with theirs so they can determine if they would like to continue to support them. It’s the nature of capitalism, if you have an issue with that then I recommend looking into socialism.

Yes, I’m saying I don’t believe you with that. Especially when there’s no serious example of people saying that online. If you could give any other believable examples of how heterphobia affects YOU and ONLY YOU in your day to day life instead of a vague example about some family somewhere that would be great! Meaning you wake up, you sit next to your opposite gender partner and you wonder what your day is going to be like if you hold their hand down the street. Can you comfortably go outside right now and scream that you love your partner without much backlash?

You… don’t agree with people being LGBT+ due to religious or personal reasons… You do understand how that sounds right? That our existence is up for debate in your eyes, which clearly it is. That would be similar to me saying I don’t believe in the sun even though it’s sitting right there in the sky existing. You don’t have to be obsessed with what we do in our daily lives, you aren’t us. You don’t live our life therefore what does your personal or religious beliefs have to do with us existing and living our own lives?

… What struggles do you have as a person who’s heterosexuality affects how you move in this world? I’ll give you an example of mine as a bisexual person! My ex-girlfriend and I would be stalked by men and get vague rape threats if we were outside holding hands. I’ve had an ex-boyfriend brag about fucking the gay out of me and would physically assault me if I expressed any aspect of my bisexuality. Do you have any specific examples where the solution is is to leave LGBT people alone in our spaces or log off? Have you been doxxed because of your sexuality or because of what you said? Have you been harassed because of your sexuality or because you made a comment about another ship.

It’s never gotten physical because you’re not experiencing heterophobia. Facing backlash for your shitty thoughts and opinions isn’t heterophobia. Have you ever considered you might be a shit person and your values might be shitty? That me and other people making fun of you is the byproduct of you “loving us” but not supporting us, which by the way what the fuck do any of us need your support with? You’re not cradling a gay man’s balls when he’s fucking his boyfriend, you’re not holding a lesbian’s hair back when she’s eating out her girlfriend, and you’re not the one prescribing life-saving medicine to a nonbinary teenager who just wants to present more femininely. What we need you to do is take your nose out of our business, let us enjoy things in peace, and mind your own damn business. If your “support” or your “love” only goes as long as we keep ourselves hidden then you can go fuck yourself. And me saying that isn’t “heterophobia,” that’s me reacting to you being a shitty person.

Your whole rant is proof that you don’t know a fraction of what it’s like to be earnestly oppressed. You got your feelings hurt in fandom space. The solution is to log off and enjoy content offline until you grow a backbone and can leave LGBT people alone. Best of luck.

Thanks for proving my point that hetero people’s problems always get dismissed by the LGBTQ community because “we have it worse.” I tell you my experiences that are linked directly to my sexuality and you belittled them and call me names and insult my character.

I’ve already said I don’t interact with LGBTQ people for the most part. I’ve even questioned my own sexuality for years because I thought I was bisexual. I even thought I was trans at one point. I have a person in my life who is LGBTQ that I care deeply about and wish nothing but the best for. They’re the ones who sought me out and came after me. They’re the ones threatening me and calling me all kinds of -ist and -phobe and putting words in my mouth.

Mind telling me how a nine-year-old can be trans when they don’t even really know what being a girl is? If you ask them what being a girl is, they’ll most likely tell you that means liking stereotypical things that girls like; like barbie dolls or girl-specific playhouses. They don’t actually know what it’s like to be a girl. Girls that age don’t even really know what a girl is! How can a boy know?! Most children with gender dysphoria grow out of it once they’re older. By your own logic, I must have been trans as a kid because I acted like the stereotype of the opposite gender and liked all the things they liked and only hung out with the opposite gender. I felt like doing the things typical of my gender was wrong.

If I did that today, my parent could have gotten in trouble for not at least socially transitioning me. My teachers (if they agreed with it) would have reported them and I could have been taken away because kids apparently can’t just be weird sometimes.

And you really think that just because you got threatened with rape makes you special or unique? I’ve been threatened by rape! I’ve been molested by both menandwomen!Men get threatened with rape by other men.Women get threatened with rape by other women.Men get threatened by women,women get threatened by men.

I never belittled your experiences. I merely pointed out my own and the things I’ve experienced. You’re the one telling me that what I’ve gone through isn’t enough, that it doesn’t matter, and saying that hetero people never face any problems specifically because of our sexuality even when I gave you a few examples.

But I’m still somehow the evil person here?
