#i just dont understand


I see our first “crazy corsets” interview for the next season of Bridgerton has dropped. Includes:

  • She ate a lot of salmon while in the corset, or maybe before putting it on, and had to throw it up
  • “I realized when you wear the corset, you just don’t eat”
  • The corset made her tear her shoulder? Somehow?

It’s not that I don’t believe women, or that I don’t believe actors are mistreated by film crews, or anything like that, I just fundamentally do not understand how this could be possible. For one thing, they don’t appear to be tightlacing corsets (most of the women seem to be wearing short stays rather than the hip-length ones the Featheringtons have, although it’s hard to say). For another, her shoulder?? The Bridgerton corsets have teeny tiny little straps.

Past me: I handwrote something during my breaks yesterday, I made a handful of graphics today, and I’ll break out the coloured pencils and watercolours tomorrow.

Present me: If I really put my mind to it and try really hard, I can probably fill up a small sketchbook page with drawing exercises in a couple of months.
