#i just felt like johzenji


Cross Talk #1 (Karasuno: Kenta, Kagechan, KT, Justin, Naoki)
Cross Talk #2 (Karasuno: Kairi, Ryoutarou, Kouhei, Fucchi, Kazuma)

As always, scans available via @engekihaikyuuhere.

“The court is our playground.” No matter the dilemma, Johzenji stick to their own style of volleyball – “having fun” – to the end. Their vivid acrobatics fire up the show!

Johzenji’s appeal is their poppy cheer. First, introduce yourselves.

Funaki: I’m Funaki Masahide, playing Terushima Yuuji. Terushima looks like the one pulling the team along the most, but I think that’s because everyone else is supporting him… In one sense, he feels the most like the youngest child. Terushima is who he is because of the team. I want to keep in mind that it’s thanks to everyone else that he can stay so high-energy.

Morinaga: I’m Morinaga Ayato, playing Bobata Kazuma. The charm point is these sleepy eyes. (laughs) The image I have of him is someone who’s always acting in sync with Terushima and bouncing around idiotically with him. I get a strong feeling like, when it’s time for fun he can go all the way, very Johzenji-like. I think I resemble him in that way.

Suzuki: I’m Suzuki Youta, playing Futamata Takeharu. In my opinion Futamata is the “shadow mistress” of Johzenji. Amidst these very unique looking members, not least of which is Captain Terushima, Futamata has black hair and just looks like a normal high school student. I like that just-as-I-am feel, and how he’s always smiling. I hope both Futamata and myself can stay smiling.

Arata: I’m Arata Shihou, with the honor of playing Numajiri Rintarou. Numajiri doesn’t have many lines in the original manga… One’s impression of him is that you notice him on the edges having fun with everyone. Rather than taking the initiative to go wild, he’s thinking “these people look like fun” and all of a sudden being in the same place as them starts to be fun, and next thing he knows they’re playing volleyball together… is what it seems like. He’s hair’s cute too (laughs) and my image of both his appearnce and his personality is sort of roundish. But he whacks those spikes through, and receives when he needs to, and uses his head when he moves around the court. I want to highlight that he’s not just nice and sweet.

Yasukawa: I’m Yasukawa Aiji, playing Iizaka Nobuyoshi. Iizaka has the most strait-laced image in Johzenji. He’s big, he has short black hair… He’s not really the playful type. (laughs) But when he’s playing volleyball he takes off his limiters and has a good time. I’d like to show that gap. I want to pace myself and have a good time without letting any juicy chances go by (laughs).

Matsubara: I’m Matsubara Rin, playing Tsuchiyu Arata. Johzenji is full of super bright people, but my character is the one scaredy-cat, or well…

In the manga his mouth is a quivering line…

Funaki: Rin is naturally like that.

Matsubara: Yes. I'm… how to say it… I’m usually pretty scared…

Funaki/Morinaga/Suzuki/Arata/Yasukawa: (laughs)

Matsubara: So Tsuchiyu is me.

Did you sympathize with him when you read the original manga?

Matsubara: I did. Like, “Oh, here, my role… is me!” (laughs) He doesn’t have that many lines, but the more I read, the more I identified with him.

Morinaga: You’re already perfectly in character.

Yasukawa: For real.

Matsubara: (laughs) I’m glad I was able to get such a fitting role for my first play.

Tell us what you think the appeal of this production is and what the “Johzenji highlights” are.

Funaki: The scene where Sawamura from Karasuno is overlaid with the former Johzenji captain. I really really liked that part in the manga, too. It’s the moment you get a look inside Terushima’s head.

Morinaga: I think… the mental strength of a team that sees the synchro attack, which they’ve never done, thinks “that attack’s super cool, let’s do it ourselves”, really goes for it, and even though they fail tries it yet again. Seeing a team going after the satisfaction of success and staying true to their own style of play is refreshing.

One feels that the team won’t be shaken from what they consider important.

Funaki: They’re really cool. If it were me… I might go on the defensive.

Morinaga: Right. That even when they’re on the brink of winning or losing they persist in what’s “the most fun” – that style is what I like most about Johzenji.

Suzuki: For me, it’s when Terushima’s like, “I was sure you were gonna hit it!” In that scene, while the match has them up against the wall, Johzenji remembers their fundamentals – “having fun” – and puts that back into practice. You could feel the whole team’s trust in each other in their plays, it was impressive. Like, because everyone was thinking the same thing they could keep moving forward.

Arata: If I start recommending scenes I’ll never stop, but one thing I think is really impressive is that reading the original work, you can appreciate the story from both schools’ point of view. Being able to enjoy [it] in many different ways is one of the highlights.

Yasukawa: I have a lot of favorite scenes too but… I think it’s everyone’s “will to win”. I also like the process of Hinata and Kageyama influencing each other and lifting each other up, and I love the purity of everyone in Johzenji as they focus on winning.

Matsubara: I’m also short, so I think the way Hinata challenges opponents bigger than him is cool. I sympathize with him. Also, the feeling at the end when Johzenji say “We want to play more"… As a reader, I wanted to see more, too. It struck home.

What’s rehearsal like?

Yasukawa: Yesterday we all went out to for dinner after rehearsal…

Funaki/Morinaga/Suzuki/Matsubara: Whoo!

Arata: (laughs) As you can see, just being around each is fun – but just as in the play there’s that line, "A time will come when it’s not fun any more”, I have no doubt that such a trial is likely waiting for us. But even so, with this group, I think we’ll be able to have a good time… to go forward in the Johzenji spirit. And if we can get the audience to enjoy our teamwork there—

Funaki:The Best, right.

Arata: Yeah. The Best. (laughs)

Suzuki: To be honest, I still don’t believe I’m here. There’s so much I’m learning at rehearsal every day… At the same time, I’m looking forward more and more to seeing how I’ll change, and how Johzenji will grow. Dinner yesterday was really fun! It felt like a real club outing.

Funaki: I get that. Where you’re excited and having fun but your body is worn out.

Morinaga: I was thinking yesterday that everyone on Johzenji is the stoic type. To make this play a success, little by little we’ll tackle the things we can’t do and create something good. We all feel that way, to a high degree. The way we help each other out at rehearsal, like “I can’t do this,” “I’ll show you how,” is also fun like a real club. It would be wonderful if people watching were able to feel that enjoyment.

Yasukawa: I used to live in Kyoto, and I left for Tokyo when rehearsals began… Going out together is fun, and I feel a real sense of completeness when we’re together as a team. During this rehearsal period, it feels like my whole life is “Haikyuu!!”.

I imagine you’ve solidified your goals for when the show opens…

Suzuki: Johzenji’s particular team style on stage is based on acrobatics. Since our style of play is “Having fun playing”, no matter how hard, no matter how difficult it is on stage, we can’t show the strain. I think moving on a raked stage will be tough, but no matter how hard it is we can’t let our smiles slip. Personally, as the youngest, I’ve learned a lot from my senpai and I want to work my hardest to grow.

Arata: Johzenji is so to speak an enemy school, but in “Haikyuu!!” enemy schools aren’t really portrayed as “enemies”, you know? I’m very happy to be a part of a production like that. Each character stands on their own, and when you think about how they all have their own lives within the work, you enjoy the story even more. Whether from the point of view of the audience, or of any character, or of any school, the story’s a winner. We want to come together so that everyone enjoy’s Johzenji’s story.

Yasukawa: You can really feel every Haikyuu!! character’s will to win, including Johzenji, and that’s something I really like about it. And acrobatics are what’s going to convey Johzenji’s playful spirit and the passion in our play. At rehearsal, we’re always thinking, “If we can show everyone acrobatics flashier and more smoothly linked than any other team…” as we practice. My personal goal is to work moves from taekwondo, which is my speciality, into the acrobatics somehow.

A nice masculine feel.

Matsubara: Tsuchiyu’s the libero, so as a character he doesn’t jump much, but as a performer I’m the one who wants to jump most, or…

Funaki: Rin can do amazing things with his body!

Matsubara: Yes. I want to put my six years of experience doing parkour to use in my performance as libero, and do acrobatics no one else can. I want to run around and around the stage like I’m a ball myself.

Arata: Incorporating our individual specialties into the performance makes us all better and better.

Matsubara: I think so. Like yesterday one by one everyone learned how to do a move we’re practiced for the first time… back handsprings and backflips too. It’s like “Oh this is crazy, I gotta stay on edge” and I end up adding an extra rotation. (laughs)

Funaki: Uh-huh. Everyone’s really practiced hard. I thought “I can’t lose” myself.

Matsubara: We’re all rivals, it lights a fire in you.

Yasukawa: It’s great~

You won’t lose to your own teammates.

Funaki: I do think that.

And of course to Karasuno.

Morinaga: Because Johzenji is supposed to be a tough rival. We want to go into this with a fitting aura for a strong enemy, a stronger feeling than anyone of “Come at us, we’re not gonna lose” – like we’re not going to lose to Karasuno’s strength or to their passion as experienced members. We have to attack from the stance of, “If your summer ‘evolution’ is such a big deal, then bring it!” I want to act well enough to overcome Karasuno’s heat.

Johzenji makes one think, “They’re glitzy, but strong.” You find yourself loving them even though they’re irritating.

Funaki: Right? I want to boost that vibe until even supporters of other schools end up saying afterwards “Johzenji were great.” For me, I hope I can lead the team along at the same time as I keep that desire not to lose to anyone among the six of us. We have Rin for moves, Shihou for dance, Youta our smile director… and height, and a sleepy face, and…

Morinaga/Suzuki/Arata/Yasukawa/Matsubara: (huge laugh)

Funaki: Everyone’s wonderful. I want to create “our” Johzenji as we all help each other out, and as we pull each other along. We plan to play through to the end at full strength and full power, so please, we hope for your support!

Morinaga/Suzuki/Arata/Yasukawa/Matsubara: Thank you!!!
