#i just fucking love this show

How have I not seen anyone talking about the use of “fuck” this season yet? They thrust it upon us n

How have I not seen anyone talking about the use of “fuck” this season yet? They thrust it upon us not even half way through, I didn’t even really recognise it straight away because it was Bojack saying it. We all assumed that it would probably be Hollyhock who would use it against Bojack when he inevitably screwed up their relationship. But instead we had Bojack use it against his mom, someone who he had a negative relationship with. I’m glad because it shows Bojack is not the one single-handedly messing up a relationship this time around, that maybe he’s actually beginning to become more self-aware of the toxicity in his own life. And here he actually wants to address and confront it, not run away from it. It may have been more of a hypothetical statement in the end but it was still a curveball I wasn’t expecting. Made all the more poignant when his mom finally recognises him and Bojack comforts her instead. I think that’s one of the biggest moments of this season for him and his character development

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