#i just noticed the tag on this




you are a serpent parading as a white knight
and i am the maiden who knows better and falls anyway
you are the master to my puppet strings
but you don’t feel like a master
and these don’t feel like strings
is this what love is in the wake of devastation?


this love was just beginning to bloom 
this love still lives in the aftermath of your destruction
i don’t want it to, yet it survives; an aching, somber thing in my chest
it must be real. nothing else carves a soul hollow like love.

but it is not as heavy as my rage, an unsettled storm, the ocean before a flood
you once said we were similar, you and i
you may grow to regret that comparison.
you will.
i will make sure of it.

vengeance will not be sweet, but it will be necessary (h.a.l) | written for @the-darklings
