#i just think this scene was neat


Coming at you with another book rec

“You sold me out, you sonofabitch.” I’m slurring my S’s and the dizziness has kicked up a couple notches. That spell took a lot out of me.
Alex frowns. He takes on a tone like he’s talking a crazy man off a ledge. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Come on, Eric, you look like hell. I’ve been trying to find you since your call cut out. Let me get you some help.”
“Fuck you,” I say, loud enough to make him flinch. “You sicced that sonofabitch and his fucking band of thugs on me.” Alex blurs a little, the floor tilts enough to make me stumble but I hold on to the gun.
“I’m not doing anything, Eric. You’re bleeding. Your nose is broken. Your face is nothing but one big bruise. We need to get you some hel
“You’re not fucking touching me. Griffin told me about you. Told me about your deal. Right before he tried to have me killed.”
“Griffin? Ben Griffin? The hell does he have to do with anything?”
“See, you know him. You knew he was around. You knew he was looking for me. You gave me to him to clear the half million you owe him, get your club back

“The fuck are you going on about? No. I mean, yeah, I know him. Everybody knows him. And yeah, I owe him money. But he sure as fuck doesn’t own any of this club. We’ve got a revolving account with him. He’s one of my suppliers.”
“He sells me beer, Eric
Did I get the name wrong? I don’t think so. I can’t remember. There’s something else to say, but I can’t think of it.
“You didn’t fuck me over,” I say, somewhere between relieved and feeling like an asshole. I blink away the double image of Alex. My thoughts slide off each other. The room takes another tilt and I stumble, suddenly too woozy to stand up straight.
He catches me as I go to my knees, grabs the gun with one smooth motion. “No, man. I didn’t do anything like that. I wouldn’t do that.”
“He was with Boudreau.” My voice sounds very far away. “Changed his name from Duncan.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, man. Let’s get you patched up and you can tell me all about it, okay?”
Alex thinks he’s just his beer guy. I laugh. “Boy does he have you fooled,” I say, and slip into unconscious
