#i just wish things could be different


It was spring time when she heard him

Winter had long lived three years

Guarded eyes doused in stars, he smiled

I have lived in winter too, he said

Years and years and years of snow

Of ice rain, of cold

Could she believe him? No

The ice looked different on his soul

Ripples through the cold

Brutal lovely patterns in the snow

Beautiful spirals of water hard as bone

But her own? Well

Vindictive avalanche, boring at it’s core

Rabid still to take it all and more

She remembered seeing the first blossom of the spring bloom

The soft dense bud, rosy pink tight fist closed 

Unwilling to be vulnerable

I understand you, she said to it

Willing it to stay closed

He was tired of winter though

Perk up, he told it, soft and unsure

And it did

First one, then two

A forest of pink, of white, of something gold

She met him in the spring time and 

She fears because she doesn’t deserve this kind of spring 

She fears because winters come back 

She fears because if she is the one to cause his next winter

The winter that comes for her will never let her out alive
