#i know this is years old








Seriously, Tamiyo and Genku are just the best. Every single sentence about them was a treat to read.

How about we use it as a framing device for a summer set? Have it be a Storybook set and let the reprints and stories all be about Tamiyo reading to her kids truncated versions of the major stories from Magic’s past. 

Yes! That’d be awesome!

I am 1000% down with this idea!

Imagine if the next Planeschase product was flavored as Tamiyo and Genku’s kids playing make-believe and reenacting their favorite stories from the Story Circle?

So you’ve got actual planes and the majority of the cards are reprints, but then each deck has a legendary creature of one of Tamiyo and Genku’s kids that the deck is built around.

Just the thought of this makes me happy.

Alternatively, alternate art legends of Tamiyo’s kids dressed up like characters from the past. Like, one of the legends is a new version of Gerrard, and it’s this little moonfolk boy with a big fake beard and a wooden sword. And Volrath is a kid with one of those four-faced rotating masks, and one of them is Vuel and one is Volrath and one is Takara and the other we can’t see because it’s on the back of his head.

…Wait, even better. Make this next year’s SDCC Planeswalker suite. Nezumi with big white fluffy mane, an eyepatch, and an oar.


Also, it could contain full-art lands that are all drawn by Tamiyo and Genku’s kids!

Kid Lands
