#i lobe this









in the next batman movie selina is back in town to con bruce wayne which he knows but he missed her so much and obviously he can afford it so he just lets her

she reveals she’s robbed him and he’s like oh that’s fine lol if you needed money you could have just asked :) and writes her a check for a million dollars and asks when he can see her again and she’s like dang this guy is insane??

he was terrified she could never love him for bruce wayne meanwhile selina’s like okay edgy badboys are OUT rich himbos are IN but its the same guy

she expects batman to try to stop her at some point but he never does so she concludes that he just really hates bruce wayne for some reason which makes him all the more attractive

batman realizes she’s falling for bruce for real and he’s not even jealous he’s just like “you really like him? that’s great ” and selina’s like wtf

anyway she sneaks into bruce’s study or whatever to crack the safe hidden behind the painting and it’s full of roses, jewelry, bruce’s blank checkbook and a little note asking her to dinner. he thinks that this is normal behavior btw

he has never had a girlfriend in his life <3selina can’t decide if he’s stupid or brilliant but he IS cuteshe was determined to hate him but he’s actually really sweet and it drives her insane bc she likes him against her willsuddenly she is pissed at batman for apparently hating himanyway i am rotating them in my mind <3bruce is like this is great. i am getting a good grade in dating something that is both normal to want and possible to achieveand selina is like this guy is insane. i want to rob him. i want to study him like a bug. i want to kiss him in the moonlight

why would you hide that in the tags op
