#i love abortion and i love divorce





seeing “balanced” takes on abortion makes me want to state for the record i love abortion. I love it. Unapologetically. I love all my friends who have had abortions and all the reasons they’ve had them. i love people who treat abortion flippantly I love people who have a lot of emotions about their abortion. I love people who will have only one abortion in their whole life and people who will have many. abortion is great, no caveats. Its not a moral quandary. if someone doesn’t want to be pregnant they should have safe access to rectifying the state of their own body

I checked and OP is a guy and I just wanna say that abortion is incredibly traumatic and when you say shit like “I love people who treat abortion flippantly” you’re actually just reinforcing the harmful idea that people are getting abortions just for the fun of it. They’re not.

Abortion is a medical procedure. You shouldn’t “love” abortion any more than you should “love” knee surgery or organ transplants. It should be morally neutral — no one is a bad person for needing/wanting a knee replacement, but no one LOVES it either.

If y’all would stop treating abortion as if it’s a team sport, so much of the stigma about abortion would go away. Normalize it without weirdly fetishizing it. “I love abortion” comments are just insensitive to the very real trauma most women have about their abortions.

It’s really weird that you say you support abortion rights and then parrot right wing myths about abortion

Women who have an abortion do not experience any higher rates of trauma. Much less “most women.” In fact, the science says that being denied an abortion is more likely to result in trauma.

less than 1% of women regret having an abortion and 99% are satisfied with their decision. 84% of women had “positive feelings” or none at all about their abortion. The most prominent emotion experienced by recipients is “relief.”

In contrast, knee surgery has regret rates of about 18%

Saying that the “majority” of women are “traumatized” by abortion is a right wing lie
