#i love bastille



okay, a few things:

1. I’m disappointed that they didn’t play Flaws, but I thought Happier was a great tune for Dan to go into the crowd with. I wanna say that’s like the first time ever that they changed that bit up, so I was surprised. They broke tradition! (Lol)

2. An encore?! I’ve never heard of Bastille doing an encore, or not having Pompeii be their last song. Another tradition broken! But hey, I guess 10 years was long enough for them to change things up lmao. I was also very surprised when they did a cover as their second-to-last song.

3. They played Run Into Trouble, and now I wish I had taken the time to learn the lyrics. It was the only song (besides the cover at the end) that I didn’t know all of the lyrics to.

4. I wasn’t too crazy about the album at first, but hearing those songs live with all of the awesome visuals made it so much better. It makes me so happy, also because I’ve felt like I’ve been drifting away from them over the past year. But as soon as they came on stage and sang Stay Awake, I was like “fuck yeah, this is my band” I’m so happy :D

That was an amazing night, probably my favorite Bastille concert (though the 2019 Good Morning America concert is a very close second).


Dan + Kyle // Release Reacties. June 2019 (4/?)
