#i love him so much its unbearable



Kenshin x MC

AHHHH. I suggest reading this while listening to karaoke version of the song, you know. Just not to have the vocal track, only the instruments.

Written for:Song Event
Prompt: “I wanna be your slave” by Måneskin

Content Warnings: unhealthy jealousy, possessiveness, slight yandere, intrusive thoughts


His heart panged to the rhythm of her steps, her hips swaying lightly from side to side as she climbed the stair, hair falling in long waves over her back – and his throat dried, his teeth chewing into his lip as he watched from behind her, moonlight embracing her as they exited the basement. How dare it touch her, Kenshin thought.

She was his.

His alone.

The night was greedy of her, he could tell from the way it embraced her, her features blurred by the darkness whenever the light of his lantern ceased to engulf her form. His fingers curled around her wrist, he pulled her closer, his hold on her a golden cage. His, and his alone, he said to himself.

How dare it.

How dare it think of her when he was still there.

Her body fell to the ground, his nails having left shallow indents over her skin, then utterly lifeless, despite being undeniably alive. Kenshin winced, the white bell flowers curling around her limbs, his mind having him convinced they’d take the crimson out of her.


He would not share even the slightest glimpse of her face.

He would not stand for letting even the sun go unharmed for daring to touch her.

He would not…

“Kenshin?” she asked, and arm extended towards him from her spot. Desperately, his fingers clutched onto hers, his lover urging him to fall, to fall for her.


He was only hers.

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