#i love inupi sm



Now I just want tiny Inui actually joining the first gen Black dragons.

He rides on the back of Shinichiro’s bike everywhere. One time he wanted to hold the flag but quickly realised it was too big for him to properly hold, he was too small to keep it steady so had to give it back to Takeomi. Inui pouted the rest of the day until Wakasa gave him some dango.

He follows them around at fights too, Shinichiro warns him against this but Inui does it anyway. He tries to mimic Wakasa’s kicks and Benkei’s punches. Until he gets too tired, then he spends the rest of the fight sitting on Benkei’s shoulders as he throws punches at people.

Inui nods along very seriously whenever Takeomi is making plans, he doesn’t understand most of what Takeomi’s talking about but still nods along. He also scolds Takeomi whenever it rains cause he doesn’t want to get wet.

He finds some spare uniform somewhere and immediately puts it on. Obviously it’s way too big for him, he practically drowns in these clothes. The others just sigh and vow to get a small uniform tailored for him.

He frequently hides in Shinichiro’s jacket, Shinichiro will be talking to a leader of a rival gang and small Inui will just suddenly pop out of his jacket, bewildering the rival gang leader.

Yeah Inui’s actually here too

You just can’t see him because he’s walking behind Benkei.
