#i love knowing darren is gonna be ok



*Write a 300 word love scene for them: I chose Darren x Jeanie*

Jeanie wasn’t quite sure how to handle her situation. There was a warm feeling in her chest that blossomed like the red flowers outside their not quite house.

She fiddled in the kitchen eating candied ginger. She tamed her hair as best she could given the humidity and debated joining Darren down at the water. But he liked the quiet of their private beach where he nursed a beer for hours while he fished.

Darren Treacy fished. He let his hair get shaggy, his goatee shaggier. He played cricket with Aussie ex-pats. He relaxed and swam and gave enough money to the resort owners who offered to sell it to him and Jeanie.

Jeanie let out a deep breath that blew a stray hair from her forehead. She waited half a year for the shoe to drop, but no one came for them except Mary. She had never seen Darren smile so genuinely. Or his eyes turned that shade of ocean. Mary and the girls were just a few cottages down.

His ears must have burned because suddenly Dazz filled the doorway. He was singing, which was new. He carried a basket in one hand and hid his other behind his back.

“Tell me what you would do, if her hair were red and her eyes were..” Jeanie blinked expectedly at her boyfriend who had to think. He gave up with a grin.

Darren set the basket by the stone oven in the corner, and humming he took Jeanie with his free hand and spun her in towards him then back out. “I took her hand and gave her a twirl,” he went back to singing.

Jeanie’s stomach churned. She giggled in spite of it and let Darren dip her playfully. He produced the most beautiful blue purple orchids.

Upright again, Jeanie held them to her nose. “I know how much ye love t’at van Gogh painting. I reckon they’re the same color as the night sky.” He told her with a kiss on the neck. Then clung to her hips.

“I’m pregnant.” The words burst from her like a busted dam.

Darren rocked back on his heels, “Ye taking the piss?”

Jeanie shook her red curls. She searched his face for any emotion. In a rush of arms and feet off the floor, legs around a thin waist, Darren hurried them to the bed where he laid her down gently. His long body is awkward while it bent to kiss her deeply. Then he lifted the tee shirt she wore to kiss her stomach gently.

She giggled and held Darren’s head to her. “I’ve got a family again,“ was all he could whisper.

