#i love these bros so much


tight knit boys

Ace thinks about his legacy, sometimes.

How Ace has no choice in who he grows up to be. How it’s always been decided that he’s a sin. How he’s the son of the Pirate King, the Devil, and that’s all that matters about Ace.

Ace is the son of the pirate king, and Ace is hated.

Anything and everything bad about the world, people associate with him. Blame on him.

Ace hates hates hates it.

(But he knows it’s true.)

He lives as if he doesn’t know this, as if he has a place in this world, as if he’s not a blot on humanity. He runs with the wind, laughs with his brothers. He fights, laughs, loves.

(He hates.)

But, sometimes, all he can think about is this cursed destiny of his.

About how he was born to live and die a sin.


(Or: Ace is insecure and down on himself, but his brothers love him so, so much, and will never let him doubt how much they love him.)

