#i love this sm omg



Congratulations to my lovely Karushuu


I was starting this art in the last day of semester. And recess came at the same time with my art finished. For congratulations to myself and them too, even though there were not on the same day. It’s like we were linking together by the same thing. I felt warmth and fulfilled.


I don’t know how many times I’ve said it, but Karma was absolutely a super polite and charming young child.

Sure, he had a habit of mischief, and asking waaaay to many questions, but he made up for it in cuteness.

He was the kind of kid who got SUPER interested in things and wanted to redecorate his room all the time. And he definitely loved to play pirates. Movies, too. He probably had action figures he would play “director” with and create… kind of odd versions of classics.

He was also genuinely praised and rewarded for being “a smart kid”, and wore it like a badge of honour. He’d take that kind of thing to heart, and would love when adults would praise him for whatever reason. It made him want to learn more and be smarter.

But Karma also didn’t have friends, really. His parents made him move all the time, so he was always the new kid. He’s actually pretty shy too, so there’s that. Eventually, he gets old enough for people to be mean about it.

And so Karma would eventually learn how to defend himself. And then he’d learn how to act in a way where nobody would want to bother him in the first place. It’s around the time his parents start leaving him alone rather than taking him with them.

TLDR I don’t buy that Karma was always “like that”


KOF 97 Mural painted in Brazil.
