#i love this sooooo much



I was alone in the gym at the end of my session and so I connected my phone to the Bluetooth speaker set up my gym has and jammed out between sets of squats. Leg day has been painful, but real fun!

Invitation - Ashnikko (feat Kodie Shane)

(This was not posted for sexual reasons and I have no interest in sexting with you or seeing your genitalia. Also DON’T call me sexy, it makes my skin crawl. This is simply a woman sharing the love of her body with the world. PLEASE READ MY PINNED POST BEFORE FOLLOWING.)


Zennezu on KNY volume 23 leaks, Wani blessed us, AAAAAAAHHHHHH!! ⚡

Zenitsu made a flower crown for Nezuko and he and Chuntaro put it on her head!! ️ And OMG, in the last panel they’re holding hands, I can’t!! Zen’s dream came true and he finally found a girl who held his hand!! ⚡❤️
