#i love this ❤



Real1930s dresses, sewing patterns and accessories that remind me of/compared to Lizzie Starks orange evening dress <3


The top left = came from a 1930s copy of McCall printed pattern? (Not too sure that that’s the right name but it was the only name on the magazine so it’s my best guess)

The top right = a dress that was made following a 1930s sewing pattern

The right of the second row = an original 1930s shoulder cape

The third row = a 1922 add for evening gloves

(had to use something from the 20s for the comparison because despite this series of peaky being set in the 30s those long gloves were popular in the 20s where as much shorter gloves were worn in the 30s so most adds from that time only showed short gloves :) )

The bottom left = a page from a book of examples of evening wear 1930-34

The bottom right = the cover of a copy of 1930s vogue
