#i love you all so so so much


1.1k mutual appreciation post <3

Based of an anon ask i got about doing one of these and since i’ve just hit a milestone, this could be my celebration lol.

I’ve decided to do every. single. one. of my mutuals, even the ones i have never really interacted with personally, because i love you all, in some i didn’t know exactly what to say but i tried! Hopefully you guys can enjoy haha <3

This’ll be in alphabetical order under the cut !!! also none of these are proofread so forgive my grammar

if i missed you, i didn’t mean to at all!! i based off what my tumblr told me and i hope i didn’t miss any of you, but if i did please tell me so i can write you a paragraph <3


@acosmis-t - isa! You’ve always been, to me atleast, one of my more known mutuals who writes beautifully. You were incredibly sweet when i’d first dm’d you about proofreading a blurb i wrote for my celebration. I absolutely love your writing and your themes are always amazing, you’re a very very genuinely nice and sweet person and deserve all the good <3

@amourtentiaa - liaanneeee, you were one of my first mutuals, you were on my taglist and i remember looking at your page and absolutely loving it. i love your feed, your super cool way of editing the headers and how creative you are. It was soo refreshing to be able to speak to you about a situation that we both agreed on, you’re very honest and i respect you so much for that. Thank you for being so so cool, ily <3

@blue-writes-things - Blue :) (i don’t believe you’ve ever disclosed your name but if you have i’m so sorry) anyways, i absolutely adore your writing. I love your ‘fell in love with a heartbreaker’ series and i’m very excited for the next part, whenever they’d be released. We’ve never actually interacted but i would love to get to know you better!!

@carpediemboys - I followed you because of your text posts and i absolutely LOVE your user. Definitely my favorite movie but it makes me cry so so hard, thank you for interacting with my posts and reblogging those helpful tips for whenever i decide to move out of my house haha

@cunningambitousdetermined - I followed you when i had a pietro phase that lasted about three days hahah, your writing was amazing and i love how sweet you are whenever your posts or reblogs come up on my dash. You seem like such a sweet person and i’m very happy that we’re mutuals so that i know i’m surrounded by good people such as you :)

@cupids-crystals - LYDIA!! you are absolutely gorgeous. I love those makeup looks that you have done and posted. I 100% remember reading some of your fics and following you to see that you were already following me! i was so surprised because you write amazing, i love your luna theme so so much aswell as i love your writing. Keep being yourself, truly, because you’re amazing inside and out <3

@cupidsriot - JAS! ily, you are so amazing. helping me proofread my fics and also helping me come up with such cool concepts for them when i’m out of ideas. i thank you very much for helping me when everyone else was asleep hahaha, i also adore your writing so sometimes when i ask you to proofread i get nervous that you wont think it’s good </3. But you’re always so incredibly amazing and nice and as i said, ily!!!!!

@emmaev - omgomg!!! I followed you because you always interact with my posts, me, and just in general support me so much. Even before i followed you for those reasons, i always looked forward to any feedback that you had on my writing, ty for being super cool and always supporting me.

@eunoniaa - omg, i’m actually surprised to see that we’re mutuals LMFAO you’re so cool and your writing is impeccable, I enjoy seeing your posts on my dash and how active you are aswell as very funny. I adore your theme, i really do and it’s amazing just as your writing is.

@gxtitobxby - wow okay!! let me tell you, i was and still am completely shocked to see that we are mutuals because your writing is just… i can’t even think of a word because it’s so good. You had said that you got nervous posting angst but truly, you shouldn’t be because your writing is amazing angst or not. I also love the vibe that you give off in your blog with your super cool theme.

@hellounicorn - rheaaaa, i love your writing. Just as i did when i had dm’ed you ab it when you followed me, i am still very honored to be your mutual. I love the concepts that you come up with and the way you execute them is just- unbelievable. You’re amazing <3

@james-potters-animagus - Laina omg, we’ve never personally interacted but i remember you interacting with my celebrations. your writing is so good and as someone in love with james potter, i love the way you write him. it makes me fall in love with him more <3 i hope we get to become closer soon, love your writing !!

@miiamour - Mia, you’re absolutely beautiful and i remember when you’d posted your face reveal and how i immediately went to dm you. I would love to get to know you better because your blog, writing, and overall aura that you bring upon yourself is amazing <3

@pinkteapotwriting - ky, i love your writing and that’s all there is to it. I have probably read your ‘healing’ wolfstar blurb over five times and i cannot say i regret it. You’re amazing at writing and i cannot stress that enough, thank you for being my mutual and also being such a cool person.

@proserpina-magnus - Proserpina, you are so great. You always interact with my work and i can never thank you enough for that. You’re amazing and i’m so happy that we’re mutuals, you’re super cool and i love your writing!

@quindolyn - Quinn! Everyone, including myself, absolutely loves you and it’s not hard at all to see why. You are BEAUTIFUL and you’re just so sweet and such a person which anyone could talk to without feeling awkward or uncomfortable. Thank you for being so sweet when i had first dm’ed you aswell as interacting with my posts, i absolutely love your writing and the way you’re able to make everything look so realistic when one reads it. Ily so much thank you for being amazing <3

@reguluscore - SORIN. you were the first person to ever introduce me into what angst was, with your angst where james left the reader for lily, i remember being heartbroken for the rest of the day. BUT anyways you are an amazing writer and just- the way you write and express feelings through your fics is actually incredible because it feels so real. I am absolutely honored to have you as my mutual and ilysm

@rockinggirl06 - ri!! I followed you because you are so sweet and you know how to juggle which i will still be waiting for you to teach me!! You’re so encouraging to everyone and i’m so happy whenever i see your posts on my dash and you also might even convert me to fremione

@rowema-ravenclaw - em wow, honestly wow. you are an amazing writer. The way you wrote jegulus so amazing in your latest fic was incredible. I’m truly in awe that we are mutuals, that youlikemy writing because i absolutely love yours. You deserve so many and many more followers, i hope we can get closer soon<3

@shadesofvelma - velma!!! You were one of the first people to ever dm me about my writing and i’ll never forget that. you’re such a sweet and beautiful woman and ilysm. Thank you for being super sweet with me and also just being so fun and caring to everyone in this community. Your writing is amazing and so are you, so so much love to you. So much love but i will still be mad that you don’t find me intimidating

@starless-starkov - JASS! you are… the nicest and most amazing mutual ever. Wether it’s by supporting my writing or supporting me when some weird anon had something rude to say, anyone who is your mutual is so lucky to have someone like you in their community, so so much love to you.

@thotbutpurple - el, you are genuinely so funny. I love seeing you and your anons on my dash aswell as your amazing writing which makes everyone, including myself, to come back and reread it. You are also so so so beautiful and you’re themes are amazing. Ily

@tugabooos - VEE!!! i cant, i love your writing and the concepts that you come up with, just like the dark sirius one which i know i still owe you. It was so cool and i promise to write it soon, just for you <3.

@wonderfilworld - mae, i remember you being THE FIRST person on my taglist and before i had known you were a writer i was always excited to see what your feedback towards my writing would be, you are also so beautiful which matches your amazing personality and i’m so so happy i found your blog, so much love to you.

@360iris - omg, i remember the first time we ever spoke was because of atyd. i hope you’ve finished it and i hope that you enjoyed it as much as i did, you are so sweet and i’m so glad that we’re mutuals. Your writing is freaking incredible and i love it aswell as i adore you, ilysm !!

i hope you all enjoyed the bit of appreciation that i gave you <3. i adore you all to bits and i’m honored that you guys have chosen me to be someone that you follow, i hope you all know that if you ever need anything or someone to talk to, i’m always here for you!!
