#i loved barney as a little kid








do kids these days make up songs about killing the wiggles and doc mcstuffins or did barney the dinosaur just unlock some latent primal rage in my generation

Listen I had a childhood pre-Barney and we didn’t sing about killing our childhood characters then as far as I am aware so I am inclined to suspect that goddamn purple dinosaur just struck some kind of collective nerve.

I grew up in a transitional period.  When I was really young, we had Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers, and we had nothing but unconditional love for them.  

Then Barney came along, and so great was our rage that we would need to slaughter not only him but also Baby Bop to slake our bloodthirst.

Then as far as I can tell came the Wiggles, Lazytown, and Blue’s Clues, and all of them are still quite beloved.

Maybe there’s still some primitive part of our brain that knows to fear dinosaurs?

Yeah I was born on the tail end of Barney and that was the only one we ever wanted dead

There’s an entire wikipedia page for anti-Barney humor
