#i loved those books growing up

fangirltothefullest: quinn-tessent1al:gaycism:consider-it-shipped:biolizardboils: everyone ple






everyone please look at this form harold filled out in kindergarten

I am ready to re-join the classroom.


I hope Harold H is having a good day

My behavior caused other students and teachers to feel:

Freak out

I hate that teacher so fucking much on principal, I hope Harold keeps drawing, I hope Harold becomes a famous comic artist and that Dog Man becomes a super popular comic and that his teacher feels really shitty for making a kindergartener feel bad for drawing on his papers.

Quick explanation for everyone that “Harold H.” is Harold Hutchins, one of the main characters from the Captain Underpants books with his friend George Beard. The author of those books, Mike Pilkey, still uses them both as means to write other stories besides Captain Underpants, such as Dog Man and Super Diaper Baby. Also, he’s about 11 or 12 in this letter. However, it’s still a great way to show that kids need to have fun and be creative, not be punished for going after their passions!

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