#i managed to make tybalt look like felix fe3h on accident


Yeah I’m surprised I’m posting a Romeo and Juliet comic too.

Context: This is Act 3 Scene 1; Romeo, who has just secretly married Juliet, does not wish to fight Tybalt because he sees him as a kinsman (Tybalt and Juliet are cousins). Mercutio, thinking Romeo is afraid to fight, draws his sword and challenges Tybalt in Romeo’s stead.

Some other things to mention: Benvolio (character on the left) is Romeo’s cousin; and doesn’t want a fight to break loose between the Montagues and Capulets. Mercutio is basically saying Tybalt is a cat by calling him a “rat-catcher”; and throws a lot more cat-related insults at Tybalt throughout this scene.
