#i mean did somebody just not do due diligence at ea



sorry, i got some questions

a) why is that one twitter guy calling saying “the ban has been lifted”. there was no ban. ea chose not to release a pack citing russian laws as an excuse but like every russian person (who is well aware of their own laws) said, “the excuse is bullshit bc they wouldn’t have to change that cover based on the laws here”. there was even a russian lawyer that logged on to write a whole thread on that.

b) there was a ban bc of the cover, but it’s being released with that cover in tact? if the cover was the issue then, why is it not an issue now? sims is marketed as an 18+ game anyways and you’re not gonna have a game pack rated all ages when the base game and every other component with the game is 18+? so if the cover is to be left in tact upon release then there was no issue with the actual artwork to begin with?

c) was this all some weirdly misguided publicity stunt? bc what the absolute fuck is EA’s problem?

d) ok so they’re delaying the release a week so everyone can play (that’s good!) but are all those bugs we saw in the livestream gonna be fixed too?

enquiring minds wanna know…
