#i mean have fun with your headcanons


Keep in mind that The Hollywood ReporterandDeadline have not confirmed anyone for the cast of the Thunderbolts movie. Deadline says “no deal for any actor has closed,” and HR reports “no stars are said to be attached.”

Both articles offer lists of potential actors/characters for the film, but those are basically educated guesses. They’re no different from the speculative lists that have floated around for a decade.

Some ideas for the movie have been repeated so many times in fandom and clickbait that they’ve become mistaken for established facts. That’s not how facts work. It’s easy to say that Helmut Zemo or Thaddeus Ross would make sense in the story, because of course they would. But saying they should be in the movie isn’t the same as having any solid information that they actually will be in it.

All we know for certain is that Jake Schreier is on board to direct, with Eric Pearson writing the script. And even that could change–it’s not unheard of for a studio to replace directors and screenwriters during development. It’s also not unusual for scripts to include and then eliminate characters during rewrites–for example, the Wasp had a major role in some early drafts of 2012’s Avengers.

So even if you have an uncle who works at Nintendo Marvel that swears your favorite character will be in Thunderbolts, there’s no way to be sure of that in 2022. That sort of information is based on plans that could change before the movie enters production.

I expect Marvel Studios has a clear, firm vision of what they want the Thunderbolts movie to be. But anyone who claims to know what it is right now is probably misleading you.
