#i mightve just rambled nonsense



So, I’m learning for my history exam, and reading about “normalisation” in Czechoslovakia. Basically, the communist party decided to get back their power and everyone was miserable.

Anyway, my brain is still in Descendants!! Mode, so I’m gonna make a list, featuring the stuff communists used to achieve their goal and see if Auradon did it! Fun, right?

Anyway, I’m doing both post-1948 and -1968, to get more comprehensive list. And hopefully give Auradon some positive points.

  1. Create an atmosphere of fear. Yep. Definitely. They freaked everyone out with pretending the villains were a threat still and probably also threatened to send any offenders to the Isle. I mean, why wouldn’t they? It would be effective. ✔️
  2. Political processes, like getting sentenced without proper trial. Almost definitely, but I can’t really blame them with some of the more awful villains. Still, another check it is. ✔️
  3. Install wide variety of annual celebrations and festivals, so people would be distracted. Ehm, Sea Side Festival in the Rise? All the corresponding festivals in other kingdoms? And I’d eat my boots if they don’t have celebrations of Uniting Auradon and Creating the Isle. You know, Panem et Circenses style. So: ✔️
  4. Prefabricated trials for your own. (Is it how Yen Sid got on the Isle? Is it?!) Like, hopefully not, so: ✖️
  5. Trials with death sentence, prefabricated trials, of course. Again, hopefully not. That’s why they have the Isle. On the other hand, one could argue that dragging dead Villains back into the land of living so they can suffer more equals that. Anyway: ✖️
  6. Censorship of knowledge. „The gates to knowledge are never closed, but library is open from XX to XX.“ Does that count? Probably not. Anyway, the books in library probably are censored. (I mean, the US of America does do that, right?) And Ben’s books are totally edited ad usum delphini and I’ll fight you on that. Actually, the VKs probably have better knowledge of what happened/is happening because the Villains can’t keep their mouths shut and accidentally reaveal the stuff the other one wants to keep hidden in an argument. Or very purposefully. That depends. One way or the other, here we go: ✔️
  7. Replacing the church of *god* with worshiping the regime. I mean have you seen the church with vitrages of the heroes? Definitely ✔️
  8. Trying to isolate people not agreeing with the regime and basically anyone with their own opinion. This is literally the Isle. I doubt all of the inhabitants of the Isle were major villains, so: ✔️
  9. State-owned and state-controled TV programs. We know that exists on the Isle, so why not include it as one of the many channels in Auradon? Plus, the tales of major heroes are definitely spoon fed to the audience at least once a year. The Beauty And The Beast the most, in a display of irony. Still, I’m giving them benefit of doubt. ❓
  10. These freaking five years plans for economy. I mean, we know nothing of Auradon economy, but I doubt even Beast would be that stupid. ✖️
  11. Closing borders. Are there other countries besides Auradon? And it’s allies? No idea, but Auradon definitely gives closed borders vibes. Again, benefit of doubt. ❓
  12. Restricting children’s opportunities in life by what their parents did. Excuse my poor wording, but this is precisely what Auradon did. ✔️
  13. Create breathtaking displays of art, architecture, etc, so people would be distracted by how awesome the regime that can built that is & have job. Ehm, like the statue that turns from King to Beast and back? ✔️
  14. Family friendly policy, so people would be too distracted by raising kids to question wtf is going on & future economy would grow.
  15. No elections, or elections with predetermined winners. Since Auradon is a monarchy, I’m gonna count that. ✔️
  16. Also, bonus points for Auradon only: Ensuring all the country’s heirs go to one school, so they wouldn’t get any ideas. ✔️
  17. And baning magic would be on this list, if we had any. Unfair. Like, magic is creating differences between social classes!! We gotta ban that, immediately!!

Did anyone ask to see this? No.

Did it help me learn for the history exam? …Actually, yes.

And now it’s your problem, too.

Actually, if you think about it, Auradon is a dystopian society that resebles the one in ‘Brave New World’ by Aldous Huxley.  Here are some similarities I’ve noticed. 

1. People are manipulated to believe their kingdom is the best. Maybe not through sleep hypnosis, like the children in ‘Brave New World’ are, but the manipulation is still there. I’m sure that from a very young age, the citizens of Auradon are told over and over that their kingdom is the best one ever and they shouldn’t wish to live anywhere else. 

2.‘Problematic’ people are sent away.  The Island Of The Lost anyone? The coincidence here is that in Brave New World islands are also used to banish people on. But yeah, my point is that both of these societies have a place where the ones seen as undesirable or useless for the regime are put in, far away from the rest of the citizens, so to not give them any ‘ideas’. 

3.Comfort is used as a distraction.  Delicious food is always available, everything is so clean, people’s houses are beyond comfortable; not to mention there are places to go and fun activities to do all the time. Festivals, celebrations, just like the blog above me said. Life in Auradon is restless and, at the same time, very enjoyable. All the pleasures it offers and all the things to do keep everyone’s minds busy all the time. With all that brain stimulation, who has time to think about real problems?  Or how people on the island are treated? Everyone is drowning in a sea of obliviousness and ignorance, which perfectly suits the ones in charge.

4.Life is never hard (and it’s purposefully made so). This ties with 3. If you are not a Villain child, then life will never be hard for you in Auradon! That world is free of war, free of disease (as they can heal everything using magic), no thieves or bad people, since only the heroes live there (I mean, in theory there aren’t any, because in reality, some people there are really horrible, like Chad and Audrey) and basically no worries. Just a lonely Heaven, living in its bubble, surrouned by pink clouds and rainbows. Because everyone is comfortable and always has something to do, like I mentioned at 3, and because life has never been hard for them, then this means that all of them are happy. Maybe some more than others, but in general everyone is satisfied with everything…. meaning that no one wishes to revolt or point out the flaws within the system. Again, perfect for the rulers.

5.Worshipping the creators of this world. In Brave New World they were worshipping Ford, here, just like op mentioned, they have a cathedral with vitrages of the heroes, as well as other monuments with them. That’s all I can say.

This is all that I could come up with right now. Apparently, Auradon is not a happy-happy farytale kingdom, but a dystopian society. No one uses force, like a typical dictatorship, because there is no need to. People are already too ignorant, manipulated and distracted by the supposed ‘paradise’ in order to care about something else. Truly the Brave New World. 

The more you know.  :)
