#i need a long ass fic about this post i swear



teen wolf movie post credit scene:

“i’m baaack!” liam walks into his apartment carrying a duffle bag and a small plastic bag “i stopped by the store and bought you those disgusting cookies you love so much”. he puts the bag on the kitchen counter and gets the food out “i don’t get why you like them tho, they smell like cat food”. getting no response, he leaves the kitchen and goes to his bedroom

“hey, where are you? please tell me you’re not-” there’s a large dog lying on the bed “oh c'mon! seriously? how many times do i have to tell you not…” the animal, that was previously sleeping, growls at him “…to get on the bed- did you just growl at me?” the dog just ignores him “ok, get out of here. im gonna throw away your cookies i swear-”

liam ends up pushing the animal off the bed bc it refuses to move. he groans when he sees all the short black hairs on the white comforter. “oh you fucking stupid dog” he tries to get the hair out of the bed “you always do this. i don’t understand why you always do this” he can hear the animal moving around the room behind him while he complains. “are you seriously gonna make me buy one of those pet hair remover brushes? is that what you want?”

suddenly there are two strong arms wrapping around him from behind and someone snuggling against his neck and hiding a smile on his shoulder and kissing the back of his head and “i want you to shut up”

liam sighs and stops what he was doing. “and i want you to get off me” but he’s not that mad anymore. how could he?

“i thought you liked me naked and behind you?” “no-” “oh, right. you prefer to be behind me” “i prefer you to not be anywhere near me when you just were a dog like two minutes ago”

theo just hugs him tighter

“and even less if you’re naked” “you know, i wish you could stop calling me a dog. it’s a coyote” “it’s a dog. a dumb dog leaving hair all over our bed. also you stink, go get a shower”

theo grabs liam’s upper arms and turns him around so they are facing each other. he puts his hands on liam’s shoulders, one of them traveling up his neck and cupping his jaw. “shower with me?” “no” but he stills put his arms around theo

“i haven’t seen you in months. i missed you” he starts caressing liam’s face with his thumb and wow theo remembers all of his manipulative tactics perfectly. “and i missed you. so much” liam leans closer so their foreheads touch “so so so much. like. you have no idea” theo snorts and the sound is so simple and stupid and fuck he really missed him “which is why im gonna make dinner for us while you take a shower. lydia taught me this pasta recipe… you’re gonna love it” “fine, pup” “i can’t believe i missed hearing that” “you love it”

theo drops his arms and starts walking to the bathroom but liam grabs his wrist before he can get too far and just

just looks at theo and stays there holding his hand and “i’m serious, theo. i missed you so fucking much. i don’t ever wanna do this again if you’re not coming with me. and i don’t care if i sound needy or whatever”. theo smiles and uses his hold on liam’s hand to pull him close and kisses him, soft and sweet and slow. he kisses liam for the first time in what feels like an eternity

liam gives him one last kiss before pulling away, but not too far, arms around each other, liam loving the feeling of theo’s warm naked skin. he looks so dumb and in love and theo loves it him. “hi” “welcome back, by the way. and thanks for the cookies” “i love you” “i know. i love you too. tell me everything about your little adventure?” “i will, during dinner. i promise”
