#i need this so much right now

seven-0f-spirals: Emotional Blockage SpreadI first created this spread for a private reading, an


Emotional Blockage Spread

I first created this spread for a private reading, and it worked rather well for the querent, so here it is for all to enjoy. The spread itself is pretty straightforward, although if you have any questions about it, feel free to message me!

Card 1: What is your current emotional state? This card will dig deep to let you know how you are truly feeling.

Card 2: What is emotionally blocking you right now? This card will help expose what may be blocking you at the moment.

Card 3: How can you get past this emotional block? This card will give you advice on how you can begin to get past your blockage.

Card 4: How can I put #3′s advice into action? So, the last card gave you advice, but you may be wondering just how you should go about it. This card will help set you on your way.

(background image credit: click)

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