#i need to post more stuff i know


This just popped into my brain a few days ago and since I need to post something I decide to post my idea here. 

Feel free to send me any ask for this au including a name for this au

Ranboo walks deep in the forest, his bag clutched on his shoulder as he scans around him, head snapping at every little sound the forest made. 

He knew he shouldn’t be out here, his worrisome neighbors would surely call the police when they find that he wasn’t home yet after 9 pm. They were the type to always worry over him ever since he moved in next to him, a tall young man barely graduating high school that year moving into a house with no parents or guardians anywhere. He didn’t blame them honestly.

Ranboo shook his head as he continued on, he would be home had it not been for the stupid bullies that decide to sneakily grab his memory book and hide it in the woods. It had already been 2 hours and Ranboo still couldn’t find it.

He flinched when he heard a distant howl, picking up his pace, after all, there was a reason these woods where forbidden.

It was rumored that a giant lived in these woods, a massive one, with hands that could rip up trees and rip you to shreds, teeth that can tear you apart, a mouth so big it could eat a whole car. 

Ranboo did not want to be the next person to be eaten, by the giant nor the wolves.

Ranboo started to search quickly, looking in trees and bushes, until he caught a glint of a red ribbon from the corner of his eye, hidden in a borrow under a tree.

Ranboo walked over, grabbing the book dusting it off, he smiled and took his bag off, ready to put it in, and stopped.

He heard a tree branch snap and the next thing he knew, he was being lifted up into the air, his bag and book falling to the forest ground. Ranboo barley register what was happening before he came face to face with to giant sad blues eyes, and dirty mangled pink hair.

SO basically, Ranboo finds a giant child named Michael who has been living in the woods by himself for awhile, until he saw Ranboo walk in. Now Ranboo has to juggle his last year of high school, with a job, and raising a giant son who can’t read or write properly, with out his neighbors or the town finding out about him. Good thing he has his best friend Tommy to help him out, with a new found son of his own, and friends in high and different places. But when there’s a child, there’s always a parent right behind them.
