#i really need some help


So, like most people I *hate* to be doing this but my landlords have put me in the really shitty position of having to pay for (what amounts to) their incompetence with money I really don’t have to spend. To be honest I’m kind of freaking out. I do know that this time of year can leave a lot of people financially tapped out and I’m not asking for donations but I am offering what I can at a discount!


Usually I offer readings via the PayPal button at the top of my blog for about a dollar a card but given the circumstances I’m going to be knocking 25% off of the price of every spread. These discounted prices will be reflected in the drop down menu at the top of my blog. If you have any questions about the spreads please take a look at my tarot services post here. If you are on mobile and unable to see the menu and are interested in a reading please shoot me a message and I’ll reply with a pricing list.

Spell Writing Services

I don’t often write spells for others but it is something I have done before. If you would like me to write a spell for you please send me a message via the inbox or using the messenger system. I will write the spell to work around your needs and what materials you have available. In order to make sure the spell is a perfect fit I’ll send you an initial draft then we will go over it together and apply any necessary changes before delivery of the finished spell. Basic spells are 3$ USD, Advanced spells are 5$ USD.

Shop Discount Code

I also have a small shop here where I sell candles and jewelry, many of which have a witchy or pagan focus. If you make a purchase between today (the 15th) and the 25th you can use the code inajam to get 25% off of your total purchase!

Custom Devotional Pieces

In addition to the premade pieces I also offer custom devotional pieces such as prayer beads, necklaces, charm bracelets, even earrings. Usually Prayer beads and necklaces range from 12-20$, charm bracelets 8-15$, and earrings 5-12$ all depending on the level of detail and materials used. I will also be offering 25% off of these custom pieces just like the premade. If you are interested in commissioning a piece please send me a message.

Thank you so much for reading through this. Even if you are in a tight spot yourself and can’t get anything signal boosts are greatly appreciated. 
