#i remember this sidebar

xuethms: ◍ oxygen theme.Links: preview | alt preview | install | features Oxygen is a console gamingxuethms: ◍ oxygen theme.Links: preview | alt preview | install | features Oxygen is a console gamingxuethms: ◍ oxygen theme.Links: preview | alt preview | install | features Oxygen is a console gamingxuethms: ◍ oxygen theme.Links: preview | alt preview | install | features Oxygen is a console gaming


◍ oxygen theme.

Links:preview|alt preview|install|features

Oxygen is a console gaming-inspired theme which features reminiscent console buttons as navigation links. More thoroughly introduce yourself through an integrated user profile section.

Features: console buttons navigation, windowed style, custom google fonts, sidebar profile with avatar and hp + sp bars, user profile section with long bio + skills/progress + to-do list, social media links


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