#i saw this prompt and my hands moved on their own



just a random angst thought

What if MC’s birthday was on the day Lilith died and the brothers went to her grave instead of celebrating MC & Satan’s birthday with them, Satan also stayed home with MC & they celebrated their birthday together alone

“Happy Birthday to you…”

“Happy Birthday dear MC…”

“Happy Birthday dear Satan…”

“Happy Birthday to you…”

Satan and you broke into a laugh after you sang to each other in the living room. Two cakes rested on the table before you. One shaped like a cat, one like a sheep. The candles were blown out.

“What did you wish for, MC?”

“If I tell you, it won’t come true!”

“Hmm what a predicament indeed.” Satan’s smile turned tight lipped. “About my brothers, MC…I’m sorry. They should have been back by now but…”

“It’s okay, Satan. All the time in the world is not enough when talking to your loved ones, even if they are far gone. I don’t expect them to be back before tomorrow.”

Satan was suprised at how easily you accepted it. The tragedy of it all - the people you love grieving the day you were supposed to celebrating.

But that didn’t stop his anger towards his brothers. He was used to this. The house being empty as they went for their yearly visit to Lilith’s grave. They brought him obligatory cake on the way back next day.

But he hated the fact that they wouldn’t even make an exception for you. He really wanted you to be the happiest you could be today.

“What would you be doing if I wasn’t here?” You asked him.

“Me? I’d probably still be in the forest feeding stray cats. I swear there’s more of them every year. You saw them right? All sitting neatly in a circle and waiting?” Satan smiled glancing outside the window.

You nodded. “That was so adorable I never wanted to leave. But it’s not right to impose cats’ naptimes.”

“What would you be doing in the human world now, MC?” Satan leaned against your shoulder.

“Hiding myself from everyone online. Watching movies and eating ice cream cake in my locked room. Not nearly as fun as yours.” You chuckled.

Thefire crackled quietly. You both sat there staring at your respective cakes.

“It might go bad if we don’t eat it now.”

“Mine is already melting it seems.” You took the plastic knife and cut off a piece. “Say ahh.”

Satan smiled before he opened his mouth wide. He cut you a piece of his cake as he chewed. “Your turn. Open wide.”

“You know there’s another human world tradition about birthday cakes.” You said, gently removing the candles from both of your cakes.

“Oh? And what’s that?” Satan tilted his head to the side in query.

“This.” You coated icing on your fingers and made three lines of it on his cheek . “Hahaha you look so cute, Mr. Fuzzy Whiskers!”

“What the-” He caught a glimpse of himself on his phone and glared at you. It was a playful glare. He couldn’t be further away from anger tonight.

“Why you sneaky little- where are you running off to?! Come back here!” Satan coated his own fingers as he chased after you. “Oh Fuzzykins, don’t you need your whiskers?!”

“No thank you sir, it would be most inconvenient! For I just shaved mine off yesterday!”

Satan and you jumped over chairs and tables, running around over beds and under the stairs, all the while laughing and screaming the most ridiculous things.

He didn’t remember ever being this happy on his birthday. He felt like a child. He felt what an actual birthday was supposed to feel like. And he was grateful.

“Hey Satan.”

You stopped at the top of the stairs. He stared at you standing near the bottom.

“What is it, MC? Finally succumbing to your fate are you?”

“I think my birthday wish just came true.”

“What a coincidence. So did mine.”
