#i shouldwrite more aaaaaaa


wip whenever

thanks for the tag @5lazarus ! my most recent snapey wip was the next chapter of snapemas that i never finished (oops) so this is the most anyone is probably going to see from part 6

im tagging @deepperplexity@littl-prince@snapeaddict and @mmad-lover

“No, not like that!”

“Then you do it!” Severus threw his hands in the air, dropping the roll of silver ribbon he was holding and stepping away from the tree. 

Minerva flicked her wand and carefully draped the ribbon across the branches, tucking the ends out of sight and gestured towards the half-decorated tree. 

“That’s exactly how I did it!” he muttered exasperatedly. 

“Just start hanging ornaments.”

He reached for the shopping bag from their trip into Diagon Alley and started pulling out the boxes of baubles they had purchased. He paid careful attention to the potion bottles, making sure each one was in plain view as he hung them. Minerva was casting tiny balls of light, directing them to the tree and watching them scatter with a satisfied eye.

“All it’s missing is the star on top.”


“I think you should be the one to do it.”

He blinked. “You’re making it sound like that’s a big deal and if it is, then I don’t want to do it.”

little bonus is the most recent writing ive done (yesterday) but it’s for genshin impact and a complete, unedited ramble that will probably get scrapped entirely oh no

Rain was only ever meant to be cleansing, but as the droplets ran down his face, masking his tears, it felt like anything but. His rain-soaked coat was a weight upon his shoulders, a fitting analogy for the grief and anger he was carrying, that was simmering just within him.

Diluc Ragnvindr stood on the cliffside that looked over the ocean and stared at the peaks of faraway lands that seemed to beckon him to go. The winery stood behind him, but its usual bustle was gone as the workers had been given time off to mourn.

He’d been sleeping there the past few nights, finding comfort in its familiar walls without the ache that came from being inside the mansion. The mansion that had always been home, but that he couldn’t bear the thought of stepping foot in again. 

He had left Adelinde with orders to pack up their belongings and move them to the living quarters at the Winery, refusing to go back.

He wasn’t sure it would be enough. 

Pain radiated through him whenever he thought about the events of the last few days, lighting up his nerve endings like the fire he so carefully wielded, and he feared there was nothing across the seven lands that could put a stop to it. 

Nothing but time and as much distance as he could manage, but still, he feared it wouldn’t be enough. 

It might never be enough.
