#i sure hope so

escapekit:People Matching Artworks French photographer Stefan Draschan has spent countless hours vescapekit:People Matching Artworks French photographer Stefan Draschan has spent countless hours vescapekit:People Matching Artworks French photographer Stefan Draschan has spent countless hours vescapekit:People Matching Artworks French photographer Stefan Draschan has spent countless hours vescapekit:People Matching Artworks French photographer Stefan Draschan has spent countless hours vescapekit:People Matching Artworks French photographer Stefan Draschan has spent countless hours vescapekit:People Matching Artworks French photographer Stefan Draschan has spent countless hours vescapekit:People Matching Artworks French photographer Stefan Draschan has spent countless hours vescapekit:People Matching Artworks French photographer Stefan Draschan has spent countless hours vescapekit:People Matching Artworks French photographer Stefan Draschan has spent countless hours v


People Matching Artworks

French photographer Stefan Draschan has spent countless hours visiting different museums in Paris, Vienna and Berlin where he would wait for visitors to match with a piece of art.

Escape Kit / Instagram/Twitter/Minuscule/Subscribe

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Update on my mum and Chenford. We watched the episode with the dance last night and she was like ‘never mind all this partner business them two are gonna end up together aren’t they’

Me who has skipped ahead and seen the end of the series:




i made human designs for wobbufet, meowth and pikachu lol

Please show us

I made the designs on paper but I’m going to, eventually, pass them on digital


Some of you are a lot dumber than you think lmfao. It’s the early 20s delusion



tumblr in the 1800s meme example here we go. reblog this with which child of the week you are. i’m a tuesday child so i’m full of grace. rip to the wednesday children (full of woe) but i’m different

in case you were curious lmao. these descriptions absolutely define you no takebacks and also i’m sorry for dunking on wednesday children i’d hate to add to the woe. mwah.

notatigeratall: Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe TPBKeep reading I fu


Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe TPB

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I fucking called unrequited gay drama for next 5 to 10 years but man I did not expect it to turn out the way it did turn out!

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